Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Petite Mall
by"OBSIDIAN!!!!" [Excerp from "Zen is Now" c. 1991]

sitting on a fallen throne
under the high vaulted dome
in the center of the universe
staring off into forever pushing back into
never the time traveler's machinery
through painful futures and forgotten
sceneries the machinery of the mind
the tear stained eyes the window
through time

back to glorious kingdoms since crumbled to
dust and abandoned futures since
weathered to rust under the shadowy canopies
whose faith in i have long since crushed and erased
and memories of the friends i've destroyed
habits i've embraced
in the futile games we've employed
knowing that while we shook hands
we strayed from our glorious
plans to rule the world

pushing back i come
to the here and now the petite mall's over
and some how all that's found is the noisy chatter of
a million commuters the plaintive
cry of a guitar burst and i descend from
this curse to a wooden throne under a high vaulted
dome of grand central terminal
the center of the universe…