Saturday, August 22, 2015

A Fake Universe?

Something new to consider. So, if this article upsets you, just consider that you & I are not really real anyway. Lol
-Daniel aka Obsidian

Are Humans Really Part Of A Game For Robots? Scientists Claim The Universe Could Be FAKE



Everything you know may just be part of a Matrix-style simulation, according to physicists who claim that we could all be part of a giant GAME. A new theory has suggested that our entire lives and memories may not be real, instead being part of a computer programme played by advanced robots.

The so-called ‘simulation argument’ has been theorised for several years, with noted academics including Oxford University philosopher Nick Bostrom, suggesting that the plot of The Matrix could be closer to real life than we think
In the sci-fi classic, humans are bred in vats that are fed with simulations that make them believe they are living an ordinary life.

Scientists say that we could all be living in the future, and our life in 2015 is nothing more than a series of numbers in a computer programme. It may sound like science fiction but scientists believe they may actually be able to PROVE that what you know isn’t what you know.


Marvin Minsky, one of the founders of artificial intelligence (AI) thinks that there may be tell-tale signs if the programmer of our mass simulation “has made some slips”. He said that some laws of physics that “aren’t quite right” could be the start of being able to prove that the universe is a simulation. Silas Beane, from the University of Bonn, suggested several years ago that if humans were to build a small-sale simulation of the universe we would be able to identify any constraints. These constraints would include a cut-off in the spectrum of high energy particles - exactly the kind of cut off in the energy of cosmic rays.


This would be the start of proving that our universe is not what it seems - and that it is part of a giant construct. These theories are not the first time that humans have debated whether we are actually real - French philosopher Rene Descartes theorised that nothing we perceive is true except our consciousness being aware of itself and its doubts - which is how the phrase ‘I think, therefore I am’ came about.

However, some believe that thoughts can also be part of a simulation or programme that is being controlled by robots or aliens. So if you’re having a bad day today, it could just be some advanced robot in the year 2300 having a bit of a fun with the character on his PlayStation 29.