Message From the
I'd like to pause from posting and just take out the time to
thank all of my readers on Face Book & my subsequent blog sites, for your
support; your reading and commenting on
my Face Book site & blog site, concerning the "Hobo Handbook: Memoirs of a Homeless Poet in New York."
I'd certainly greatly appreciate your words and suggestions.
Firstly, I like to apologize for several typographical
errors that I discovered upon reviewing my own works. These misspellings have crept up a number of times,
and are insidious little bastards, in that they can undermine the seriousness (or
humor) of the text. Once again, I apologize for these, and shall do my best to
be more diligent in catching and righting these matters.
Lovingly, not one of you have ever remarked upon this-because
you all are so fantastic. Nevertheless, I like to also announce to one of my faithful
readers, whose name I'll leave anonymous, that I will do my utmost to make each
excerpts a little longer than the snippets I've been providing in the past. I'm
thrilled to know that you enjoy them that much.
Once again, I want to thank you all for your commitment to
following the posted excerpts of my yet-to-be-published, "Hobo Handbook:
Memoirs of a Homeless Poet in New York." With that I shall return back to posting.
-Sincerely yours & always indebted to you all,
Daniel Canada a.k.a Obsidian