Thursday, August 07, 2008


The Orichalcum Ship
by "OBSIDIAN!!!" c. 2008

i met a man
i don't know if it
was in this body
or the next

as i fell into my head

i met a man and
i don't know if it
was in this life
or the next

but he carried me away
to the 3rd heavens

as i fell into my head

where an angel
spoke to me
in inutterable words
words i cannot speak

as i fell into my head

across the distant
milkyway i left
the Lady of Sorrows
upon the white-faced
moon who spoke
unspeakable words

as i fell into my head
aboard the orichalcum ship

so come with me to
the lost kingdom of
because in Nablashana
did kublah khan take flight
on a comet at night
away from the
terrible crystal

as i fell into my head
aboard the orichalcum ship

the Lady of Tears
i left on the white-faced
moon bound by chains
which bound the worlds
in an ocean of blue

so take a flight with
me and the man from
the 3rd world as we
fall into my head
aboard the orichalcum ship

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

"The spoken word is the
most powerful thing in the world."
-Paul Mooney